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  • Writer's pictureBalkan Art Scene

When Diversity Unites and Art Encourages Reconciliation!

Eight organizations from three countries in the region have decided to use art as a force for change. Organizations that do not look at things from the side, but live and promote reconciliation. These are organizations that work with children and young people to strengthen social inclusion and empower young people through music and the arts.

Nebograd, Beograd; Štek House, Niš; akustikUm, Tuzla; Sarajevo Drum Orchestra, Sarajevo; Ri Rock, Rijeka; Femix, Beograd; Voice, Niš; and Superar in BiH,

Sarajevo was connected already in 2019. Led by music producer, regional music star, Mark Louis, they worked together to create a musical performance by the King of Pop, Michael Jackson, which sends an important message: “They don’t care about us”! These organizations made their second musical cover as part of the B # ART network and sent the message that the transformative power of art can be used to socialize and highlight positive values.

Listen to "They don't care about us" cover and performance of the B # ART network organization:

Reconciliation and the development of good neighborly relations are a precondition for the social, economic and cultural renewal of the region, and for the general progress and European perspective of the Western Balkans. Unfortunately, we are witnessing that people in the Western Balkans continue to live under the influence of a social and political narrative based on prejudice and nationalism.

In this unstable social context, there is a significant lack of opportunities for young people to meet and exchange experiences of peaceful coexistence. The population throughout the region is trapped in national identity and nationalist politics. Government investment in reconciliation among young people in the Western Balkans region is insufficient.

Youth exchanges and networks have proven to be one of the best tools for reconciliation. Our idea is that through networking of various organizations working in the field of social inclusion using art as a tool, we promote tolerance, multiculturalism, reconciliation and reconnection of the region - for a better and common future for all of us, because we care.

“Diversity is our strength! B # ART proves that being different and different is not an obstacle, but an advantage. Our ultimate goal is to connect and empower young people through the arts. Despite the new situation, we continue to work on our common goal of strengthening and expanding the network. How to develop creativity in children and young people during the coronavirus? How to connect young people from different countries in the region when policies constantly separate them? In the societies of the countries of the region, not much attention is paid to the empowerment of vulnerable groups and marginalized groups. B # ART is looking for answers to these questions. Through online workshops on building trust and producing songs, B # ART strengthens and promotes the importance of inclusion in society, the importance of reconciliation in the region, and creates art that allows us all this "- said the initiators of the B # ART project Klaudija Bilic-Selmanovic, Irena Klissenbauer and Stela Vasić.

Contact: Klaudija Bilic-Selmanovic: +387 62 878 677 i Stela Vasic: +387 65 491 986


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