Volume 1 ISSUE 1 2022/2023
As Balkan Art Scene approaches a different era, it is an honour for me to share with you several issues of Volume 1 of Balkan Art Scene digital publication. This is the first one, starting with the latest articles, and slowly approaching the first interview ever published on Balkan Art Scene. All the articles are presented in their original form as on the website.
Hope you enjoy it, and come back for the Issue 2, of Volume 1.
Dušan Sabo // Farah Noor Cemer // Secondary Archive // Faruk Mehić // AymoLive // Merita Morić // PUNKura* // mersiha messiha
Volume 1 ISSUE 2 2021/2022
Reading a digital paper means having your eyes focused on monitors, PCs, phones, thus creating a different feeling of acquiring information. This means that you cannot feel the paper, touch the pictures (as we sometimes unconsciously do
when reading magazines), or even put one page beneath the other, or even even smell the freshly printed magazine. And that is, truthfully, a pity not to have in life.
⚡️ But, let me tell you - you can always download Balkan Art Scene publication, you can share it with your friends (send it, including Bluetooth transfer if you’re really up for it), and keep the BAS vibes going. All this while supporting the artists’ and communities’ artwork and production.
This time, BAS digital publication Vol. 1 Issue 2. has covered 2021/2022 interviews with artists, as follows
Mateas Pares // Darko Jovičić // Sovran Nrecaj // Kristina Kinkela Valčić // Jovana Štulić & Elma Čavčić // Ana Milijević // David Aparu, EscapeArt // Florin Ghioca // Maria Kosmidi // Bahrudin Srebrenica // Benjamin Ribić // Rikardo Druškić // Olivera Popović
Volume 1 ISSUE 3 2021
Hanan Hadžajlić / Djeca Tvoja - Saša Krmpotić & Arnes Hamzić, KulturKraft / Ružica Milutinović / Jovan Vidaković / Matei Osenk / Elma Čavčić / Kemil Bekteši / Lejla Alimović / Đenita Kuštrić /