NN lab presents Aschare Intersection, providing cultural and artistic content, in which artists show their skills in crossfire of music and fine arts.
Aschare is an informal association of street artists aware that digitized art forms are solid ways to present creative and innovative ideas to a larger number of target groups and thus raise awareness of art among a population that is increasingly moving away from art — Aschare Design studio, Aschare Tattoo, Aschare Street Wear, Aschare Univerzum, and most unique of all, the Aschare Intersection.
Aschare Intersection invests in the development of culture and art in Sarajevo for last five years, but it also tends to expand on the entire territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project represents an interdisciplinary approach to art of different orientations, such as music and street art. Aschare Intersection is creating a space for cultural and artistic content, giving young and talented artists an opportunity to present their skills.
The team of people who have been implementing similar projects related to culture and art for many years, want to bring together individuals and groups who represent the pioneers of sub cultures. They created various events much earlier and in much more difficult post-war conditions and started initiatives that over time grew into serious and unique projects, and left a significant mark and influenced the development of the cultural and artistic scene in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
"Today is marked by the rise of kitsch and banality, as well as the tendency to degrade the values of culture and art, which certainly has an impact on the development of new generations. Often, this impact is not positive, and for this reason we believe that quality art projects are something that our society lacks."
One of the Aschare's products is a video clip of the entire process of the organization, and the event itself subsequently published on various web platforms such as social networks, as well as YouTube channels. This way, the project activities are perpetuated, as well as the promotion of artists participating in the project, and ultimately the location where the events take place, which can have a very positive impact on promoting Sarajevo as a new Europe's and world center of urban culture and art.
Aschare is simultaneously connecting artists in a location of historical, cultural and artistic significance, and thus provides them with a unique ambience in expressing their artistic skills. They are accompanied with equipment for recording audio and video material, which is further edited and prepared for distribution to the general public through various digital media.
It aims to promote music and art culture in society, which is created in a unique atmosphere, as well as the promotion of artists and works of art created in the interdisciplinary manner. The long-term goal of the project is to create greater interest and understanding of young people, and the general population about alternative arts. Aschare offers quality alternatives to kitsch.
Aschare intersection is a unique project, not only in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but in the region and the world, which seeks to rebrand events in the field of culture and art, creating a new form of artistic expression that arises from the synergy of different types of artistic activity.
Prominent goals of the Aschare Intersection project are the promotion of culture and art, advocacy for marking and marking sites of cultural and historical significance, as well as the promotion of tolerance and acceptance of diversity.
In the long run, the project aims to raise the interest and awareness of young people about alternatives directions in art, and offer them alternative content from established kitsch and
the banality they are used to in their daily lives.